Minecraft Mod: Geometric Acoustics

Minecraft Mod: Geometric Acoustics

November 28, 2019
Tech Stack

A Minecraft mod that adds echoes/reverberation and improved audio.


After reading through Zuofu Cheng’s Dissertation on Real-Time Geometric Acoustics in Interactive Applications, I was inspired to apply some of his concepts into my own Minecraft Mod. Seeing that Zuofu had incredible success in implementing Geometric Acoustics in Quake 3, I felt Minecraft would be a great application to apply these sound concepts to.

I planned to create a mod that would overhaul Minecraft’s sound engine, adding echoing in the form of real-time reverberation and occlusion.


  • Simple Reverberation
  • Raytracing Environment
  • Real-time Reverberation
  • Real-time Occlusion
  • Visualizing Raytraces in GUI
  • Stereo Sound

Simple Reverberation

To begin, I needed to access Minecraft’s OpenAL sound engine and add filters to all the sound sources to give a reverberation effect. I used OpenAL’s Effects Extension Guide, which served in-valuable in implementing the various featured needed in the mod.

The first major step was to create auxiliary effect slots which are containers for DSP Effects. Four effect slots are created with the following:

// Creating Effect Slot
int auxFXSlot0 = EFX10.alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots();

After this, effect objects need to be created in order to bind to these effect slots. This is done with the following:

// Creating Effect Object
int reverb0 = EFX10.alGenEffects();

There are two reverb effect types in this SDK: AL_EFFECT_REVERB and AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB. I decided to use AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB since it has a more advanced parameter set.

After adding the code, the next step was to create filters

// Creating Filter
int sendFilter0 = EFX10.alGenFilters();
EFX10.alFilteri(sendFilter0, EFX10.AL_FILTER_TYPE, EFX10.AL_FILTER_LOWPASS);

After generating a Filter object, the application can set the values for each of the parameters using the alFilter(i,iv,f,fv) function call, which will be used when calculating the environment.

To then set the reverberation parameters, I can simply do:

// Set reverberation parameters
EFX10.alEffectf(reverb0, EFX10.AL_EAXREVERB_DENSITY, r.density);     
EFX10.alEffectf(reverb0, EFX10.AL_EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION, r.diffusion);
EFX10.alEffectf(reverb0, EFX10.AL_EAXREVERB_GAIN, r.gain);
EFX10.alEffectf(reverb0, EFX10.AL_EAXREVERB_GAINHF, r.gainHF);
//Attach updated effect object
EFX10.alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(auxFXSlot0, EFX10.AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, reverb0);

I created a reverberation class to easily add these values for density, diffusion, etc. Each of which ranges from 0 to 10.

And lastly, I had to configure the filter for each slot that was created with:

EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, sendGain0);
EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, sendCutoff0);
AL11.alSource3i(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, auxFXSlot0, 0, sendFilter0);

To test the reverberation, I simply set the four gains to 1.0 and four cutOffs to 1.0. This gave a large and pronounced reverberation for each sound source in the game.

Raytracing Environment

The next hard step was to use raytracing to calculate the environment, so that accurate values could be used for the Gain and Cutoff values. These values will allow for accurate reverberation. For example, if a player is in an open field, they should not hear large reverberation due to a lack of reflected sound waves. On the other hand, if a player is in a cave, reverberation should be pronounced considering the possibility of echoing.

With a given set of rays emitting from a sound source, each of which can bounce up to four times if the ray hits a block, the reflectance and ray distance are accumulated in an array indexed by the ray bounce. These ray bounces help to determine the size of the room a player is standing in. If no ray bounces are present for the entire set of rays, then we can assume the player is standing in an open field. Consider the image below:


To give an even better idea, here is a simplied version of the code:

// Getting player and sound positions
Vec3d soundPos = new Vec3d(posX, posY, posZ);
Vec3d playerPos = minecraft.thePlayer.getPositionVector();

final float phi = 1.618033988f;
final float gAngle = phi * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f;
final float maxDistance = 256.0f;

final int numRays = 30;
final int rayBounces = 4;

for (int i = 0; i < numRays; i++)
    float fi = (float)i;
    float fiN = (float)fi / (float)numRays;
    float longitude = gAngle * fi * 1.0f;
    float latitude = (float)Math.asin(fiN * 2.0f - 1.0f);
    Vec3d rayDir = new Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        double x = Math.cos(latitude) * Math.cos(longitude);
        double y = Math.cos(latitude) * Math.sin(longitude);
        double z = Math.sin(latitude);
        rayDir = new Vec3d(x, y, z);
    Vec3d rayStart = new Vec3d(soundPos.xCoord, soundPos.yCoord, soundPos.zCoord);
    Vec3d rayEnd = new Vec3d(rayStart.xCoord + rayDir.xCoord * maxDistance, rayStart.yCoord + rayDir.yCoord * maxDistance, rayStart.zCoord + rayDir.zCoord * maxDistance);
    RayTraceResult rayHit = minecraft.theWorld.rayTraceBlocks(rayStart, rayEnd, true);
    if (rayHit != null)
        double rayLength = soundPos.distanceTo(rayHit.hitVec);
        // Additional bounces
        Int3 lastHitBlock = Int3.create(rayHit.getBlockPos().getX(), rayHit.getBlockPos().getY(), rayHit.getBlockPos().getZ());
        Vec3d lastHitPos = rayHit.hitVec;
        // For reflecting
        Vec3d lastHitNormal = getNormalFromFacing(rayHit.sideHit);
        Vec3d lastRayDir = rayDir;
        float totalRayDistance = (float)rayLength;
        //Secondary ray bounces
        for (int j = 0; j < rayBounces; j++)
            Vec3d newRayDir = reflect(lastRayDir, lastHitNormal);
            Vec3d newRayStart = new Vec3d(lastHitPos.xCoord + lastHitNormal.xCoord * 0.01, lastHitPos.yCoord + lastHitNormal.yCoord * 0.01, lastHitPos.zCoord + lastHitNormal.zCoord * 0.01);
            Vec3d newRayEnd = new Vec3d(newRayStart.xCoord + newRayDir.xCoord * maxDistance, newRayStart.yCoord + newRayDir.yCoord * maxDistance, newRayStart.zCoord + newRayDir.zCoord * maxDistance);                 
            RayTraceResult newRayHit = minecraft.theWorld.rayTraceBlocks(newRayStart, newRayEnd, true);
            if (newRayHit != null)
                double newRayLength = lastHitPos.distanceTo(newRayHit.hitVec);
                totalRayDistance += newRayLength;
                lastHitPos = newRayHit.hitVec;
                lastHitNormal = getNormalFromFacing(newRayHit.sideHit);
                totalRayDistance += lastHitPos.distanceTo(playerPos);
            if (newRayHit == null)

And with this, I can then add various calculations to modify the Gain and Cutoff values that will be used for modifying the filters!

Real-time Reverberation

Now that I am able to calculate the environment using raytracing. I can then use the calculated values to modify the Gain and Cutoff values. With reverberation, I mainly need to modify the Gain.

In the raytracing of the environement, I calculate the energy towards the player with the block reflectivity. Block reflectivity is a preset value that I estimated at the start. For example:

if (soundType == SoundType.STONE)
    reflectivity = 1.0;
else if (soundType == SoundType.WOOD)
    reflectivity = 0.5;

Various calculation were added to ensure a good sound for reverberation. If you want to look into all the calculations done, check out the code on my Github.

Real-time Occlusion


Consider the image above. Any sounds that pass from source to listener must pass through the wall, which muffles the sounds. This is called occlusion.

To implement occlusion, I had to accumulate the amount of obstruction between the player and the sound source. This was done by drawing a ray from the sound’s position to the player’s position. If the ray happened to hit a block along its path, an occlusion accumulation value was summed along with a block occlusion value.

By using:

if (!blockHit.isOpaqueCube(blockHit.getDefaultState()))

I was able check if the block hit was opaque. If not, my block occlusion value would be decreased.

The full occlusion code is given here:

soundPos = offsetSoundByName(soundPos, playerPos, lastSoundName, lastSoundCategory.getName());
Vec3d toPlayerVector = playerPos.subtract(soundPos).normalize();

// Offset the ray start position towards the player by the diagonal half length of a cube
Vec3d rayOrigin = new Vec3d(soundPos.xCoord, soundPos.yCoord, soundPos.zCoord);
if (lastSoundName.matches(".*block.*"))
    rayOrigin = rayOrigin.add(toPlayerVector.scale(0.867));

float occlusionAccumulation = 0.0f;     
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    RayTraceResult rayHit = minecraft.theWorld.rayTraceBlocks(rayOrigin, playerPos, true);
    if (rayHit != null) {
        Block blockHit = minecraft.theWorld.getBlockState(rayHit.getBlockPos()).getBlock();
        float blockOcclusion = 1.0f;
        if (!blockHit.isOpaqueCube(blockHit.getDefaultState()))
            blockOcclusion *= 0.15f;
        occlusionAccumulation += blockOcclusion;
        rayOrigin = new Vec3d(rayHit.hitVec.xCoord + toPlayerVector.xCoord * 0.1, rayHit.hitVec.yCoord + toPlayerVector.yCoord * 0.1, rayHit.hitVec.zCoord + toPlayerVector.zCoord * 0.1);

With this, real-time occlusion was implemented by using the occlusion accumulation along with setting Gain and Cutoff values.

Visualizing Raytracing in GUI

Aside from getting good sounding reverberation in the mod. I felt it necessary to add an overlay GUI to the game so that users could visualize the sound source’s raytraces in their given environment.

Simple rendering of textures was done by adding sprites to the resources folder and calling the following code:

ResourceLocation histogramBlock = new ResourceLocation(GeometricAcousticsCore.modid, "textures/gui/histogram.png");

    GL11.glColor3f(r, g, b);
    drawTexturedModalRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10);

OpenGL (GL11) can be used to transform the texture in many different ways. In the above example, I am able to modify the color of the texture to any given RGB value.

Players will press F6 to see the GUI. An example of the finished overlay is pictured here:


Stereo Sound

Currently Minecraft does not support multi-channel audio, so I decided to add stereo sound to all reverberation in the game. This way, the player will feel much more immersed.

To do this, I used the effects AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_PAN and AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_PAN. Inputting a vector such as [-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f] would give reverberation entirely in the left ear. Building on top of this, I implemented a dynamic way to set the pan’s position parameters.

For each bounce of the emitted ray trace, I accumulate the x-position in an array indexed by the ray bounce. See the figure:


After these values are accumulated, they are then normalized, clamped between -1.0f and 1.0f, and attached to the effect object.

Although simple, this method allows for varying reverberation in each ear. Further implementation could be done to support surround sound.


Overall I really enjoyed this project, since it applied game engine techniques including raytracing and OpenAL modifications. I plan on updating the code considering that new versions of Minecraft continue to be released and my code only supports version 1.11.

Download (Version 1.11)

Link to Github Repo